Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday 138 - Purple Swamphen

I know that I have post a few pictures of Purple Swamphens in the past, but I find them such watchable birds that I can't resist a few more pictures.

These were taken on Churchill Island, which is a small island off the much larger Phillip Island, a couple of hours west of Melbourne.

I took these images using the car as a hide, and this is a method I intent to use more often in the coming months.

The Purple Swamphen is also known as Porphyrio porphyry, and is about 45 cm in length.

Now its your turn to join in - click the blue button and off you go!


  1. they really are cool birds! coots, swamphens, moorhens, gallinules. very cool and quirky!

  2. Wonderful shots of purple swamphen.

  3. Great shots of your Purple Moorhen..Using the car as a blind is a great idea, I have used my car as a blind many times.. Thanks for hosting, have a great week!

  4. I should have typed Purple Swamphen, excuse me!

  5. Handsome fellow and great shots as always, Stewart!! Hope your week is going well!!

  6. That is an interesting looking bird. I am glad I found your meme. There are so many interesting and fantastic photos here.

  7. Great photos, Stewart! It's a handsome bird. Thanks for suggesting WBWers might help with the ID's. I'm hoping! :-)

  8. better than watching them, is listening to them. They sound like a bunch of old women haggling over their bingo cards. They crack me up.

  9. Hello Stewart!:) Excellent photos of another interesting bird from Austrália.

  10. Great birds and colors. Using a car as hide is a comfortable way to spot birds.

  11. Fantastic shots and beautiful birds !

  12. Great shots. I like its colorful plumage and red bill!

  13. Great photos of the Purple Swamphen. The light really shows off their beautiful colors.

  14. I like the two tone colour of that Swamphen.

  15. I love this guy - we have one called a gallinule (not sure if I spelled that right) and some people call it a swamp hen. Very similar -- they have huge feet and it looks like yours does too!

    Thank you for hosting.

  16. Very cool, almost prehistoric looking birds!

  17. Interesting bird, you show us so many great birds from your part of the world.

  18. From memory they can be fairly boisterous! Cool colours.

  19. He appears to be looking right at you!! Great photos.

  20. Interesting bird! I've never heard of them before. You got some wonderful shots, especially the one where the bird is looking right at you!

  21. You got some great closeup shots.

  22. That bird has a very interesting beak! Nice shots.

  23. Neat looking bird, terrific shots!

  24. Oh i think i saw that in NZ, but my shot is not usable for posting, i was too far!

  25. The car is a good idea as a hide but not always possible. Great shots of this bird.

  26. Hi Stewart, I'm linking to your meme from South Africa these days! I love the Purple Swamphen. Your shots are so good. We have a similar bird: African Purple Swamphen or Purple Gallinule. I'm always thrilled when I see one! Have a great day. Jo

  27. Coot and Moorhen spring to mind. Great looking bird and quite stocky.

  28. Great shots, Stewart! Birds look so different dead-on, don't they. I was shooting a roadrunner yesterday and was struck at how different they look - I'm hoping to link those shots next week - have a great week!

  29. What an interesting bird! Lovely photos.

  30. Great looking bird Stewart..I really enjoy your pictures and seeing birds that I would otherwise not know..Thanks..I don't think I have any new wild birds to link..Eileen beat you to the latest..Have a wonderful day..

  31. Hello!!!.. Nice and bright colors ..Very good pics .. Great

  32. I saw my first coot when we were n Aruba last Spring, Stewart and was thrilled!!! This one you have for us is truly kind f cute I think!...:)JP

  33. The swamphen has very neat coloring! I've never seen a bird like that!

  34. I like the photo where she looks straight into the camera. That curious fierce stare is intimidating. :)

    Cool shots!

  35. Wow, I've never seen a Purple Swamphen before. What a wonderful bird. Thank you for hosting.

  36. It's like a giant Moorhen Stewart. I always think the name "swamphen" is rather uncomplimentary - a big chicken living in an undesirable place etc?

  37. Very neat looking birds. I saw my first Moorhens that looked similar, and other wonderful birds last week in FL, Just published the post this morning~
